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Recipe: Perfect Sambel Soto, Bakso, Sop Simpel Maknyos

Sambel Soto, Bakso, Sop Simpel Maknyos.

Sambel Soto, Bakso, Sop Simpel Maknyos You can have Sambel Soto, Bakso, Sop Simpel Maknyos using 6 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Sambel Soto, Bakso, Sop Simpel Maknyos

  1. Prepare 25 Buah of Rawit Merah.
  2. Prepare 10 Buah of Cabe Merah keriting.
  3. You need 5 lembar of Daun Jeruk, buang batangnya.
  4. You need 1 Siung of bawang Putih.
  5. Prepare Secukupnya of garam.
  6. Prepare Secukupnya of air.

Sambel Soto, Bakso, Sop Simpel Maknyos instructions

  1. Cuci bersih semua bahan.
  2. Haluskan semua bahan, saya menggunakan blender..
  3. Tambahkan air lalu rebus sambel hingga agak menyusut. Koreksi rasa, tambahkan gula, garam secukupnya..

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Torta di grano cotto mele e cannella . You can have Torta di grano cotto mele e cannella using 16 ingredients and 15 step...
