una raccolta di ricette per tutti i gusti, dalle ricette dietetiche a quelle veloci a quelle più facili da realizzare.

Easiest Way to Cook Perfect Nino's naked cake

Nino's naked cake. "Naked" cakes are all the rage! These unfrosted beauties come in all shapes, sizes, and flavors—even funfetti! Beautiful topped with lush flowers, delectable filled with fruit, and absolutely adorable in ombre.

Nino's naked cake Naked cakes, with zero to minimal frosting on the outside, expose the cake layers and filling. This rustic-chic cake presentation has been popping up everywhere on the wedding, baby shower, bridal. Delicious naked cake recipes that are easy to make. You can have Nino's naked cake using 15 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Nino's naked cake

  1. Prepare of Pan di spagna al cacao.
  2. Prepare 6 of uova.
  3. Prepare 250 g of zucchero.
  4. You need 200 g of farina 00.
  5. You need 50 g of cacao amaro.
  6. Prepare 1 pizzico of sale.
  7. You need 1 bustina of lievito.
  8. Prepare of Per la farcitura.
  9. Prepare 500 g of mascarpone.
  10. It's 150 g of cioccolato bianco.
  11. It's 500 ml of panna da montare Hopla'.
  12. You need 50 g of cioccolato fondente.
  13. It's of Per la bagna.
  14. You need 400 ml of acqua tiepida.
  15. Prepare 100 ml of liquore fragolino.

Naked cakes recently became trendy when bakers realized that the real beauty of a cake was in the ingredients themselves. "Naked" cakes are all the rage! These unfrosted beauties come in all shapes, sizes, and flavors—even funfetti! Beautiful topped with lush flowers, delectable filled with fruit, and absolutely adorable in ombre. Presenting the naked cake, the dessert that's light on frosting but still surprisingly beautiful.

Nino's naked cake instructions

  1. Per realizzare il pan di spagna ho utilizzato il Bimby. Ho montato lo zucchero con le uova per 15 min a vel 3 e continuando a montare, ho versato a cucchiaiate la farina precedentemente mischiata al cacao e al lievito..
  2. Ho versato il composto in uno stampo dal diametro di cm 26 e ho infornato a 180° per 40 minuti..
  3. Per la farcitura: Ho fatto sciogliere a bagnomaria il cioccolato bianco e dopo aver aspettato che si raffreddasse, l'ho mescolato con il mascarpone..
  4. Ho diviso il pan di spagna in 3 dischi e ho bagnato la base. Successivamente ho inserito la crema dentro la sac a poche e ho iniziato a farcire il primo disco. Ho bagnato e farcito il secondo disco, aggiungendo le gocce di cioccolato alla crema..
  5. Ho montato la panna e ho decorato l'ultimo strato della torta. Ho fatto sciogliere a bagnomaria il cioccolato fondente e poi ho immerso le fragole, facendole raffreddare prima a temperatura ambiente e poi in frigo e ho decorato la torta..

Whip one of these babies up for your next dinner party or a show-stopping wedding cake—and scandalize your. A naked cake is easily recognized by its absent or minimal outer layer of frosting, which shows off You want something beautifully rustic. I have subbed grocery store cakes for homemade cakes on a handful of occasions. This 'naked cake' is THE easiest way to make a grocery cake look bakery. I feel a bit shameful that I'm calling this.

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