una raccolta di ricette per tutti i gusti, dalle ricette dietetiche a quelle veloci a quelle più facili da realizzare.

How to Cook Yummy Sambel Bakso / Mie Ayam / Soto / Bubur Ayam

Sambel Bakso / Mie Ayam / Soto / Bubur Ayam.

Sambel Bakso / Mie Ayam / Soto / Bubur Ayam You can have Sambel Bakso / Mie Ayam / Soto / Bubur Ayam using 5 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Sambel Bakso / Mie Ayam / Soto / Bubur Ayam

  1. Prepare of cabe rawit orange segar.
  2. It's of bawang putih kating besar.
  3. You need of kemiri besar sangrai.
  4. Prepare of minyak goreng.
  5. You need of Garam - gula - royco.

Sambel Bakso / Mie Ayam / Soto / Bubur Ayam instructions

  1. Rebus cabe - bawang putih sampai layu (sy 5 menit).
  2. Lalu blender dgn kemiri yg sdh disangrai sampai halus (sy blender dgn minyak sedikit).
  3. Lalu tumis dgn minyak sedikit, bumbui dgn royco ayam - gula - garam. Viola and enjoy !!.
  4. PS : kl utk jd sambel bubur ayam sy tambahkan 2 sdt kacang tanah, disangrai bersama kemiri. Lalu masak spt diatas..

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